Friday, January 21, 2011


TOOODAY is the day! I wasn't going to blog until we got home. But I decided I would so that I can have todays feelings for my 'journal'.

I can't belive today I am going to pick my husband up! I can't get around the fact that it's just not a visit. A visit for 3 days at the most. This is the day I've been waiting for since July 19th (the day he left). I get to be a wife again! I am so lucky to have such a loving husband! I couldn't sleep at all for the past 3 or 4 nights. I was too excited!

What I'm most thankful for is our family and friends who've supported us from the begining! I could've never stayed so sane if it wasn't for them. Our parents, who took such good care of me when he was gone. My sister, and his brother and sister in law for calling me to ' just make sure I'm doing OK'. The rest of our families who make sure to let us know how much they are proud of him. I'm SO proud of him. And couldn't be more thankful for such a loving, handsome husband!!! Time to go get ready!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll try to post pics soon from the airport! Love everyone!

1 comment:

  1. That is so wonderful...Hope is isn't the last one off the plane and make you wait any longer than you already have
