Monday, July 26, 2010

One week down! 6 more to go??

The last week was super hard without Den here. But I've been told it get easier as the time goes by. I was supposed to recieve Dens box with his clothes in it some time this week. On Thursday I was leaving for work, and saw the box at the front step. So I brought it in the house to search through it. I was hoping Den would write a letter on the plane and stuff it in his pockets. And no such luck... :( But its OK. I noticed when I pulled out his pants, he had his legs rolled up. I'm Interested to know what the reasoning is behind that. Then again maybe I'm OK with not knowing just yet... :)
As I've said MANY times, 8 weeks is a long time!! I've prayed religiously for the past week to help the next few weeks go by fast. But it just didn't seem like it was. This morning The first thought I had was 7 more weeks...Then I remembered I'm still waiting for the info to arrive! So I went and checked the mail and TADA! His letter was here!! I so badly wanted to open it right away, but I waited until I got in the house, and I read "Dear Alicia, Thank-you for supporting.." And then I had to set it down for a second and I gave it to Jean to read. Then she was telling me some of the major info. And said that Den is graduating September 10th!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a whole WEEK earlier than we'd been expecting! I only have to wait 6 more weeks to see DEN!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOO glad its a week sooner! I can't wait to see him and give him a big HUG! I love him so much!
I love days like today! For the sheer fact that I have proof that Heavenly Father listens to us, and answers our prayers. He may not do it as fast as we want. If we be patient, and we have faith in the Lord, we'll get our answers. Sometimes not as obvious as today, but I have NO question that the things we ask for get ignored. I love our family! I'm thankful for the love and support they give us. I'm most thankful for Heavenly Father. For all he does for us!


  1. I love you Alicia, and I'm thinking about ya!!!

  2. That is SO awesome!! I am so so happy for you!! Yay for prayers being answered! The Lord works in mysterious ways! And hopefully you should hear from Dennis soon (via letter, but hey at least you can have some communication)! I bet you can't wait! Love ya!
