Saturday, May 15, 2010

A run through..

Ok, So I'm the worst blogger! But I like to wait until something exciting has happend, or I have enough to talk about( I also always feel that I babble about too much) . But fortunately, I've waited so long that I have a few things to talk about.

We are now 9 weeks away from Dennis leaving to basic training. I think about him leaving all the time, and it makes me super sad! I have to just think happy thoughts for now. That's going to be a bad day I feel. And I want to avoid it as much as possible until the time officially comes. And then, I just pray that it goes by fast! The navy gave me a "S.T.A.R.T" book (Standards-Tradition- Acknowledgement- Requirements-Training) just some information about what to be expected when Den leaves. I guess it's supposed to be comforting so us "wives" don't freak out. I'll be the first to say, that this book doesn't help us to gear up for what is to be expected. First of all it says something like.. "while your loved one is in recruit traning, you can rest assured that your loved one is in good hands, and will be treated with up-most respect." Maybe this is so, but I can hardly imagine that while he's in basic training he will be treated with respect. I told him, to expect the worse, that way when he gets there he isn't shocked at how they do things there. This is a day, I just want OVER with!
We are soo blessed to have such loving family, and especially OUR friends to support him and I through this decesion! It isn't a fun one to make, but we've had so, so, so, many people question us, Why? This was my question until just recently. But all I can say is, Why not?? I mean we'll have FREE health and dental, we can FINALLY get our family started. Something I've waited what seems to be eternity for. Also, we get to se parts of the world that otherwise maybe we wouldn't. Another frequently asked question is, Are you sure, and Are you Okay with it??Answers: NO, and definatley NOT! But I have faith in my husband, and the decesions he makes for us and our future family. I was just looking at the definition of "faith" and it has many, but I like this one... "the obligation of loyalty or fidelity to a person, promise, engagement." I just love my husband! One funny thing about the Navy, is that he has to be clean cut, and if he has any facial hair it has to be a mustache. So naturally, he had to try it out. He got made fun of. But wanted to wait to shave it so his brother could see it. He is so funny! One good thing about it is, he gets to join a gym for practically, nothing! So most of our free time is spent at Gold's Gym. We both are loving it! I hope that the first time I see him after he leaves, that I can be pretty again!

We had a good visit last month with his brother Mike, and his family. I just love them! They are good people! I have a feeling any time I get off this summer, I'll be visiting them more! I hope so any ways! They have the cutest little kids! Carson, is the youngest and is just starting to talk. I tried all weekend to have him say "Aunt Alicia" and he never would he'd just smile at me and say Den..So then I shortend it to "Aunt Licia" nope nothing. Finally I shortend it again to just "auntie" and until Sunday while we were sitting in sacrament, I had to bribe him with a swee corn candy, and he finally said just "Auntie"..Hallelujah! ;) We all got together for Lennie's new baby's blessing. It's always so fun to be with family! Lennie made Olivia's blessing dress! She is so freaking crafty I hate it! :) not really, but she comes up with some way cute ideas! I hope she doesn't mind, but I'm posting some pics of Oli, in her cute blessing dress. All in all, a good weekend!

One of my favorite things to do is hair! I love new crafty ideas to style, color, and even cut! This year I, along with most of my hair school friends had the oppertunity to be the judges of this years hair competition. And may I just say, we have some pretty awesome stylists' in the making! It was so fun to be a part of! I can't wait for the day for me to move on to a full service salon! The days are coming closer, and closer! I have to share a few of my favorites! The pictures aren't very good. But it was fun none the less! p.s. I stole the two pics of the indian lady, and the guy, off of the schools website. ;)

Lastly, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! Den and I are so blessed to have the mom's we do. Me growing up with just my mom as a single parent. and His mom being the one to take care of the kids. We were given so much, not just in things, but we've learned a lot from our mom's. And we couldn't be any more proud as their children! I think this is the thing I look most forward to in life, is being a parent, an example, and caregiver, to a sweet child of god. I can't think of a better blessing to be given!